Marsh Tit
Poecile palustris

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– smaller than House Sparrow
– mainly non-migratory
– only short distance dispersal of juveniles

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

– birds in flight not yet photographed –

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

– flight call a short monophonic upslur
– main energy between 7-8kHz
– narrowly spaced harmonics -> Willow Tit
– inflection variable
– usually uttered as short explosive series
– difficult to distinguish from calls of other tit species

Marsh Tit Poecile p. palustris, call in flight
European Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus mitratus, call in flight
BIF2656, 26/12/2017, Prerow, Germany, Patrick Franke

Marsh Tit Poecile p. palustris, call in flight
European Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus mitratus, call in flight
BIF2657, 26/12/2017, Prerow, Germany, Patrick Franke

Marsh Tit Poecile p. palustris, call in flight
BIF2663, 10/10/2017, Kühlungsborn, Germany, Patrick Franke

Marsh Tit Poecile p. palustris, call in flight
BIF2664, 10/10/2017, Kühlungsborn, Germany, Patrick Franke

Marsh Tit Poecile p. palustris, call in flight
BIF2665, 19/11/2017, Göthewitz, Germany, Patrick Franke

Azure Tit (a) (v)
African Blue Tit (a) (v)
Eurasian Blue Tit (a) (v)
Great Tit (a) (v)
Cinereous Tit (a) (v)
European Crested Tit (v)
Coal Tit (a) (v)
Sombre Tit (a) (v)
Willow Tit (a) (v)
Caspian Tit (a) (v)
Eurasian Nuthatch (a)

#songbird #passerine

#ornithology #birdmigration #birdID #birdguide #birding #birdwatching #birdsound #westernpalearctic #europe #vismig #flightcalls #middleeast #northernafrica #workinprogress