Common Moorhen
Gallinula chloropus

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– fairly large rail, smaller than Eurasian Coot
– nocturnal migrant
– migrates singly

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

– birds in flight not yet photographed –

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

– at least two call types during nocturnal migration
– a on average 0,05s long, variable overslur, uttered singly or as series
– evenly spaced harmonics
– squeaky timbre similar to other Common Moorhen vocalisations
– a triplet (sometimes uttered incompletely) consisting of different phrases (see red box BIF2969)
– uttered singly or as series (often three repetitions)

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2963, 26/03/2019, Wilsen near Rostock, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2964, 17/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2965, 17/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2966, 17/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2967, 13/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2971, 13/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann
– this recording is intended to convey the impression of a distant bird –

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2968, 17/03/2017, Wilsen near Rostock, Germany, Roland Neumann
– this recording is intended to convey the impression of a distant bird –

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2969, 10/04/2018, Hooksiel, Germany, Roland Neumann

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, nocturnal flight calls
BIF2970, 02/10/2017, Wilsen near Rostock, Germany, Roland Neumann
– much rarer to be recorded in autumn –


Eurasian Coot (v) (a)
Bar-tailed Godwit (a)
Red Knot (a)

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#ornithology #birdmigration #birdID #birdguide #birding #birdwatching #birdsound #westernpalearctic #europe #vismig #flightcalls #middleeast #northernafrica #workinprogress