Mergellus albellus

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– very small anatid, about the size of a Eurasian Teal
– diurnal migrant (probably nocturnal as well)
– migrates singly or in flocks in formation

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

Smew Mergellus albellus, M F BREED TRANS
BIF3482, 21/01/2021, Blankensee, Germany, Patrick Franke
– M strikingly black-and-white
– M and F with generally the same upperwing pattern – but note broader white trailing edge to the secondaries in F

Smew Mergellus albellus, M F BREED TRANS
BIF3483, 21/01/2021, Blankensee, Germany, Patrick Franke
– F with uniform greyish brown upperside and rufous-brown head with contrasting white chin and throat
– comparatively short and weak bill

Smew Mergellus albellus, M F
BIF3485, 30/04/2012, Buir Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– largely white underside, lesser and median underwing coverts contrasting to black greater underwing coverts and remiges

Smew Mergellus albellus, M F
BIF3485, 30/04/2012, Buir Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze

Smew Mergellus albellus (second from right)
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, M BREED
BIF2774, 31/10/2017, Kühlungsborn, Germany, Roland Neumann
– tiny compared to the Goldeneyes


– usually nonvocal during migration

Common Scoter (v)
Black Scoter (v)
Common Goldeneye (v)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (v)

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