>> GENERAL >>>>>
– tiny passerine, much smaller than a sparrow
– nocturnal migrant, local diurnal short-distance movements
– migrates singly
>> VISUAL ID >>>>>
Eurasian Wren Nannus t. troglodytes
BIF0263, 05/11/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze
Eurasian Wren Nannus t. troglodytes
BIF0264, 05/11/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze
Eurasian Wren Nannus t. troglodytes
BIF0265, 05/11/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze
Eurasian Wren Nannus t. troglodytes
BIF0266, 05/11/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze
Eurasian Wren Nannus t. troglodytes
BIF0267, 05/11/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze
>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>
– supposed to be non-vocal on migration – no reliable evidence about flight calls
#songbird #passerine
#ornithology #birdmigration #birdID #birdguide #birding #birdwatching #birdsound #westernpalearctic #europe #vismig #flightcalls #middleeast #northernafrica #workinprogress