Common Snipe
Gallinago gallinago

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– medium sized wader, blackbird-sized, extremely long-billed
– nocturnal migrant, irregularly diurnal
– migrates singly or in very small, loose flocks

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago ssp.
BIF0725, 18/02/2015, Taqah, Oman, Mathias Putze

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago ssp.
BIF0430, 31/12/2012, Larache, Morocco, Mathias Putze

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago ssp.
BIF0429, 31/12/2012, Larache, Morocco, Mathias Putze

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF0576, 11/08/2013, Havelland, Germany , Mathias Putze

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF0577, 11/08/2013, Havelland, Germany, Mathias Putze

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

– very vocal during migration
– two-syllable broadband call
– starts with noisy sound, 0,1s in length
– ends with a brief downslur with even inharmonic partials

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF0431, 05/03/2014, Wildenhainer Bruch, Germany, Patrick Franke

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF2937, 21/07/2018, Karrendorfer Wiesen, Germany, Patrick Franke

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF2938, 21/07/2018, Karrendorfer Wiesen, Germany, Patrick Franke

Common Snipe Gallinago g. gallinago
BIF2939, 22/07/2018, Karrendorfer Wiesen, Germany, Patrick Franke


Great Snipe (v)
Jack Snipe (v)
Eurasian Woodcock (v)

#shorebird #wader

#ornithology #birdmigration #birdID #birdguide #birding #birdwatching #birdsound #westernpalearctic #europe #vismig #flightcalls #middleeast #northernafrica #workinprogress