Song Thrush
Turdus philomelos

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– medium-sized passerine, slightly larger than a Common Starling
– nocturnal migrant, migration may continue during the day
– regularly together with Common Blackbirds or Redwings
– very vocal
– unique flight call is an important ID feature, especially on small mixed groups and compared to Redwing

>> FLIGHT >>>>>

– quite fast, powerful flight very similar to Redwing and sometimes Eurasian Skylark
– mostly in small, loose groups of 1-5 individuals without real formation
– usually not in larger, dense flocks (only occasionally at migration hotspots)

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

– rather small, compact thrush

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos, 1CY
BIF0202, 20/09/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos, 1CY
BIF0203, 20/09/2014, North Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze

Singdrossel, fliegend, diesjährig
Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos, 1CY
BIF0124, 23/09/2010, Baltic Sea, offshore, Germany, Mathias Putze

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos
BIF2849, 01/10/2018, Rostock, Germany, Roland Neumann

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos
BIF2850, 01/10/2018, Rostock, Germany, Roland Neumann

>> SOUND ID >>>>>

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos, calls during migration
Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus tristis
Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix

BIF0126, 08/05/2008, Dzhukey, Kazakhstan, Patrick Franke

Song Thrush Turdus p. philomelos, calls during migration
BIF1117, 15/10/2208, Greifswalder Oie, Germany, Patrick Franke


Common Blackbird (v)
Fieldfare (v)
Redwing (v)
Mistle Thrush (v)
Little Bunting (a)
Rustic Bunting (a)

#songbird #passerine

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