Little Auk
Alle alle

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– small alcid, only size of Common Starling
– diurnal migrant, possibly nocturnal as well
– migrates singly or in small to medium flocks in (sometimes messy) formation

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

Little Auk Alle alle ssp., NBREED
BIF1286, 03/11/2016, North Sea, offshore, Mathias Putze

Little Auk Alle alle ssp., NBREED
BIF1287, 04/11/2016, North Sea, offshore, Mathias Putze

Little Auk Alle alle spp., NBREED
BIF1288, 04/11/2016, North Sea, offshore, Mathias Putze

Little Auk Alle alle ssp., NBREED
BIF1289, 04/11/2016, North Sea, offshore, Mathias Putze

Little Auk Alle alle ssp., NBREED
BIF1290, 04/11/2016, North Sea, offshore, Mathias Putze

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

– usually nonvocal during migration


Atlantic Puffin (v)
Black Guillemot (v)
Razorbill (v)
Thick-billed Murre (v)
Common Murre (v)

#seabird #alcid

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