White-winged Scoter
Melanitta deglandi

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– rather large duck, larger than Mallard
– very rare vagrant to Northern WP, Asian origin
– diurnal/nocturnal migrant
– in Asia migrates in small to medium flocks in formation
– in the WP mixed with other Melanitta sp.

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M AD
BIF1663, 10/06/2016, Khövsgöl Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– completely jet-black body
– pinkish feet (more orangish in Velvet Scoter)
– strongly swollen black base of bill, (comp. Common Scoter) gives a long, square-headed impression

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M AD
BIF1664, 10/06/2016, Khövsgöl Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– jet-black upperside contrasting to slightly lighter primaries and white secondaries
– bill with less orange-yellow than in Velvet Scoter
– white eye and very prominent white “eye-bracket” (comp. Velvet Scoter)

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M F
BIF1666, 12/05/2011, Tasch Gai Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– F dark brown body and much less prominent head profile (still more elongated in comparison to Velvet Scoter)
– F with variably distinct pale markings behind and in front of the eye

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M F
BIF1667, 12/05/2011, Tasch Gai Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– rather short-necked

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M F AD
BIF1668, 10/06/2016, Khövsgöl Nuur, Mongolia, Mathias Putze
– at distance very similar to Velvet Scoter, but shape of the head and white eye-patch still noticeable

White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi stejnegeri, M AD (center) with Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca, AD M (right) and 2CY M (left)
BIF7036, 21/02/2023, Baltic Sea, Germany, Martin Gottschling
– at distance very similar to Velvet Scoter, but shape of the head and white eye-patch still noticeable

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

calls during migration not yet sound recorded


Surf Scoter (v)
Velvet Scoter (v)
Common Scoter (v)
Black Scoter (v)

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