Snow Bunting
Plectrophenax nivalis

>> GENERAL >>>>>

– small passerine, slightly larger than a sparrow
– diurnal/nocturnal migrant

>> FLIGHT >>>>>

– on migration alone or in small groups
– on wintering grounds or roosts also larger flocks of up to 50 or more individuals possible
– straight and quite fast flight
– rather loose formation in flocks

>> VISUAL ID >>>>>

– a spectacularly coloured species even in winter, which can be well identified by plumage characteristics even at greater distances
– apart from White-winged Snowfinch (usually altitudinal migrant only) and White-winged Lark, no other species with such a large amount of white in the wing
– size similar to Yellowhammer, slightly larger than Common Chaffinch

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis insulea, M (above) F (left) AD
BIF1534, 22/02/2014, Kennemerduinen, Netherlands, Mathias Putze

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis insulea, M (above) F (left) AD
BIF1535, 22/02/2014, Kennemerduinen, Netherlands, Mathias Putze

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis insulea, F 2CY, M 2CY, M AD, F 2CY (f.l.t.r.)
BIF1533, 22/02/2014, Kennemerduinen, Netherlands, Mathias Putze

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis insulea, M F
BIF1536, 22/02/2014, Kennemerduinen, Netherlands, Mathias Putze

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis insulea, M F
BIF1537, 22/02/2014, Kennemerduinen, Netherlands, Mathias Putze

>> ACOUSTIC ID >>>>>

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis ssp., M F, flight call, excitement call
BIF1528, 18/02/2017, Cuxhaven, Germany, Patrick Franke

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis ssp., M F, flight call, excitement call
BIF1530, 18/02/2017, Cuxhaven, Germany, Patrick Franke

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis ssp., M F, flight call, excitement call
BIF1531, 18/02/2017, Cuxhaven, Germany, Patrick Franke

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis ssp., social call, flight call
BIF1532, 18/02/2017, Cuxhaven, Germany, Patrick Franke


Lapland Longspur (a)
White-winged Lark (v)
Mongolian Lark (v)

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